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New Software-Release: NEXIS 4.1.29

We are happy to announce our latest release of our NEXIS 4 software. This version brings with it a variety of new features.

On July 4, we released NEXIS 4.1.29. This latest version of our software brings significant improvements and new features that will greatly enhance your use of NEXIS 4.

Key-Features of our release:

Analytics Module:

  • New setting options in the business role wizard, with which the allowed values of attributes can now be considered and the minimum size of generated business roles can be set.
  • Improvement in the business role detail view: When opening via business role cards, the master data of business roles can now also be displayed.

Governance Module:

  • The extended filters in the Governance Module enable the matching of attributes with the display type user account, system entitlement and resource.
  • The function that temporarily saved decisions are rejected in the recertification if the displayed attributes of the entities have changed in the meantime can now be deactivated. There is a new setting for this in the special workflows.

Business Module:

  • Cards have been added to the Business Module in which expired/inactive entities can be displayed and reactivated.
  • In the forms area, it is now possible to set allowed values for the attribute fields ” Manager” and ” Substitute manager” in the form script.

Authorization Concept Module:

  • The form pages of authorization concepts now offer the setting option of validation on saving.

Various improvements, e.g:

  • In the area of usability of the authorization concepts: Images are now displayed on one page and a page break is avoided as a result; The handling of authorization concept versions now also takes into account manually excluded employee assignments of business roles.
  • The import of multi-value attributes via an LDAP connector is now also possible via meta-import.

Fixed bugs:

  • Several errors in the import functionality have been fixed (e.g. when assigning an invalid department to an employee; unintentional deactivation of the department attribute in the import synchronization settings; when resetting the marking of technical user accounts by the import). In addition, it is now possible to take the external identifier of business roles into account for multi-value attributes.
  • Furthermore, problems with CSV data imports have been resolved where attributes not mapped via the UI were emptied or where the creation of a user account via the UI did not work if the user account type attribute was configured with allowed values and no corresponding value was supplied in the CSV.

Use cases:

The new functionalities in NEXIS 4.1.29 provide improvements in the Governance Module in the area of recertifications and enrich the role mining process in the Analytics Module. Users benefit from innovations in the area of forms and cards from our Business Module, making the handling of authorization concepts more efficient and intuitive.

  • Improvements in the area of recertifications: With the new deactivation option that temporarily saved decisions in the recertification are discarded if the displayed attributes of the entities have changed in the meantime, you now have the option to extend the snapshot recertification to all displayed attributes within the recertification campaign.
  • Improved role mining: The consideration of allowed values optimizes the role mining process. Setting the minimum size of a generated business role extends the role mining features in this release.

System requirements:

There are no changes to the system requirements for this version.

How is the upgrade carried out?

The new version is available via our customer portal. Customers can upgrade to NEXIS 4.1.29 by accessing the portal and downloading the new version.


If you have any questions or encounter any problems, please contact us via our customer portal.

You will receive more detailed information on the new features and improvements shortly. We look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy the enhanced capabilities of NEXIS 4.1.29!

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