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Nexis 4 DEMO

Reduce complexity.
Expose security gaps.
Ensure compliance.

NEXIS 4 – the perfect addition fo holistic identity management in the financial sector.

In a world characterized by increasingly more regulatory requirements and technological changes, banks and insurance companies face an intricate kaleidoscope of challenges. Following the 2008 financial crisis, regulatory requirements have been significantly tightened, particularly the Basel III standards. These institutions are now navigating through a landscape of data protection and cyber security regulations, driven by regulations such as BAIT, VAIT, MaRisk or SOX. The fight against money laundering and terrorist financing requires effective monitoring systems, while environmental, social
and governance (ESG) criteria represent an additional dimension.

Digitalization, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, requires these institutions to continuously adapt and invest in technology and employee training. A key element in this context is internal identity management for employees, which must be secure, flexible and user-friendly in order to meet data protection and regulatory requirements.

This white paper shows how NEXIS 4 can be used to master the challenges of identity management. By implementing user-friendly systems that close security gaps and manage authorizations efficiently, NEXIS 4 helps banks and insurance companies to increase productivity and reduce administrative burden. It provides a comprehensive insight into the importance of effective identity management in today’s complex financial world.

Read more about the following topics:

  • What the strict regulatory requirements mean for banks and insurance companies and how they must react to technological changes and new market conditions.
  • Why secure, flexible and user-friendly identity management plays a key role for employees.
  • How banks and insurance companies can overcome the specific challenges of identity management, such as a shortage of specialists, complex role management and high administrative costs.
  • Why the individual modules of NEXIS 4 are an ideal addition to a functioning identity management system.

All the information you need for perfect role lifecycle management for banks and insurance companies To the point.

Contents of the whitepaper

    The  key for banks and insurance companies in a networked world

    Efficiently analyze IAM data, uncover security gaps and model business roles

    Intuitive workflows and automated recertification in identity management

    The all-in-one tool for increased productivity via dashboards and self-services

    Simple, digital und automatic

  • NEXIS 4
    The holistic solution for automated identity management for banks and insurance companies

    The competent IAM partner for banks and insurance companies

Take the NEXIS Health Check.

Do you know the status quo of your IAM and authorization landscape?

Find out where your company stands in the area of identity and access management – with the NEXIS Health Check! Quickly gain a comprehensive insight into your IAM and authorization structures, identify risks, recognize optimization potential and compare yourself with industry standards. Test our NEXIS 4 software for a detailed analysis during the NEXIS Health Check at a fixed price, without purchasing a license. Get started now and secure your IT infrastructure!

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