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Nexis 4 DEMO
NEXIS 4 | Training


Standard Training

In this basic training, we will focus on analyzing and re-modeling data and identifying anomalies quickly and easily with the help of our software. We show you how to model perfect business roles, work with entitlement hierarchies, manage authorizations, and conduct departmental workshops with NEXIS 4 to integrate your business experts’ know-how.

From 2 - 5 persons

2 days

1.300,- € per person

NEXIS Specialist
including certificate

The focus of this training

Analysis & browsing of the entitlement structures

  • Who has access to which resources?
  • How can entitlements be displayed quickly and understandably?
  • How can one identify commonalities and outliers at first glance of the Identity Grid?

Entitlement cleansing

  • How can a future state of access be modeled in the software?
  • How does the creation of users, business experts and expert groups work?
  • How can they be included ideally in the cleansing process?

Role modeling & role management

  • What does a clear entitlement structure look like and how can you use business role modeling to make your authorizations even more transparent?

You are interested?

We offer our trainings from a group size of 2 to 5 persons. Deviating from this, individual agreements can be made that are specifically tailored to your needs.