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Nexis 4 DEMO

Rate us on Gartner Peer Insights™

and Get 25€ amazon voucher

And this is how it works

1. Open the following link: https://bit.ly/Gartner_Review

2. Register for Gartner Peer Insights™ using a business email address.

3. Verify your email address.

4. Go back to the link and write a review for NEXIS 4.

5. Once submitted, the review will be reviewed. This usually takes 3-5 working days. You will be notified whether the review has been approved or rejected.

6. Once the review has been successfully approved, send confirmation to marketing@nexis-secure.com to receive your voucher.

Please note: The review must be written in English!

Conditions of participation: Nexis GmbH customers can participate in the “Review for Gartner Peer Insights” campaign by submitting a review for the NEXIS 4 software on Gartner Peer InsightsTM. Each person may only submit one review. The Amazon voucher (value: 25€) will only be issued if the review is successfully published. Nexis GmbH reserves the right to change or prematurely end the promotion at any time. Legal recourse is excluded.